Tuesday 9 September 2008

'Indie music fans have low self-esteem'

A new study has concluded that fans of indie music have low-toned self-esteem and little motivation, but generally describe themselves as creative.

Researchers at the Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh asked over 36,000 euphony fans via Peopleintomusic.com to describe their personalities and matched it with their musical tastes.

As well as the findings on indie fans, they found that fans of rap music thought well of themselves and were extremely outgoing, reports the Independent.

Dance music fans were found to be evenly outgoing, merely more uncongenial and self-centred.

Fans of rock music were found to be creative and had heights self-esteem, plus were tireless and at ease with themselves.

Blues fans had similar self-esteem levels to rock fans and were found to be generally outgoing.

However, classical music fans were found to have high self-esteem, but were non outgoing, spell reggae fans were launch to be creative, outgoing, kind and generous, simply not hard-working.

According to Professor Adrian North, who light-emitting diode the study, heavy alloy fans and fans of classical music had more similar personalities than mightiness be expected, in particular sharing a "love of the grandiose".

North explained: "Aside from their age conflict, they're fundamentally the same kind of person.

"Lots of heavy alloy fans will tell you that they also like Wagner, because it's big, loud and brash. There's also a sense of theatre in both heavy rock and classical music, and I suspect that this is what they're really trying to experience at when they hear."

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